09.2019-06.2020 Chœur augmenté with Chœur Tac-til

Chœur augmenté with Chœur Tac-til et Natacha Muslera

Workshop free and collective vocal practice

Wednesday, September 11, 14h – 17h presentation of the 2019/2020 season of the company and first workshop
Saturday, October 12, 14h – 17h
Thursday, November 21, 18h – 21h
Saturday, December 21, 16h – 19h
Thursday, February 6, 18h – 21h
Wednesday, March 4, 14h – 17h

In chorus, go in search of tunes, melodies, forgotten songs, languages of childhood, ancestral or augural, songs and sounds almost erased … reactivate them, weave them with today, via l listen to the sounds of the world. Greetings, voices, damaged, cracked, reveal and improvise from these materials. Improvisation makes it possible to relate to one’s life path.

This choir is accessible to all, it requires no musical practice or solfegic knowledge. It turns out to be an immersive experience that is practiced with closed eyes, preferably in a dimly lit atmosphere. This frees the gaze of the other and of oneself, it helps to exist otherwise, without feeling judged.

After seven years of practice and joint creation, Chœur Tac-til opens to other people and experiences (children, adolescents, adults and weakened seniors, users, patients, professionals of the reception structures, etc…). That’s when the choir makes sense.

It becomes both the power of the common and the relevant tool to create, repair, release links, thus renewing with an orality, a broken memory.

It always starts with a breath-based warm-up time, listening time and vocal improvisation.

The chorus as a propitious experience dissolves the opposition between the subject and the world.

Chœur Tac-til transmits its technical, practical, physical and therapeutic knowledge, but it is above all by the attention, the care, its sensitivity to the other, to others, that this choir can help, guide and serve as support .

New participants release their voices, their memory, their creative potential. The choir helps to express buried emotions, it has the strength and the capacity to welcome that, and to transform them.

Radio workshops

The workshops are recorded and are the subject of a documentary of radio creation, composed by Natacha Muslera.

This documentary features the sung and spoken voices as well as the composite stories of the participants. It will be broadcast on a local radio partner of the company. This was the case at the School of Second Chance, with a program on Radio Galère which was dedicated to these workshops.
This documentary can also find its place within an installation.

Presentation of Choeur tac-til

Voiceless Ecosystem with 10 voices : Mafalda Da Camara , Mélodie Duchesne, Gihane Elhassouni, Chérifa Harzallah, Angélique Huguenin, Natacha Muslera, Franck Omer, François Parra, Alex Quérel, Bruno Raby

This mixed choir is composed in part of sighted, visually impaired and blind people.

Natacha Muslera (vocalist, composer) founded the Chœur tac-til in 2012. It’s made up of the same people since. It creates a dynamic putting into practice vocal research, as well as new compositional modes. The creation of an original repertoire blurs the boundaries between scholarly music and popular music.

Choeur tac-til is supported from its beginnings by the National Center of Musical Creation -Gmem, located at the Friche belle de mai, in Marseille. Creations circulate and are broadcast on radio and on the web : France culture, France musique, Arte radio, Radio libertaire and radio locales (radio grenouille, galère), et international Québec, Japon, Islande, Grèce, Allemagne etc….
They play in different festivals : « Muse en circuit, Extention » Paris, « Gamerz » Fondation Vasarely, Aix-en-Provence, « Reevox », Marseille… and places of which « Compagnie », Marseille.


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